I enjoy walking through my town and the towns that I visit. It gives me a great perspective on the town, the people that live there, and an up close and personal way to enjoy people’s gardens. I have seen some very creative ways of utilizing every inch of space to garden in small yards. Don’t think you are limited just because you only have a couple of feet to spare. Be creative! These are some of my favorite ideas for small space gardening that I have come across thus far.
Flower Gardens in Small Spaces
If you’ve only got a foot or two alongside your driveway, wildflowers and butterfly-attracting flowering plants are hardy and can take the sun. This long, narrow bed has Rudbeckia, Echinacea, and Phlox in it, making a very colorful addition to the driveway.

Zinnias are one of my favorite annuals. As long as you have full sun, they are easy to grow. This spot of zinnias was alongside the side of a house next to the sidewalk. It was the only place the owners had for a garden. With the bright colorful zinnias, they made a very bright spot out of a concrete-surrounded house.

This narrow alleyway could have been cold and uninviting. The stores on the street decided to adopt it and converted it into a hidden gem. I walked by it at first and then backed up for a second look. It is just beautiful and adds so much character to the downtown area.

Even in the shade – getting in a little green in between the sidewalk and the house can look good.

Here’s another shade garden, but with a little more room, the owners were able to fit in a hydrangea – although it makes the walkway a little crowded.

Vegetable Gardens in Small Spaces
This house is one a hillside with very little green space. Apparently the owners really like corn. And strawberries. They planted these rows of corn right around the house. But look at the number of ears they have – it worked!

By building raised bed planters alongside the building adjacent to the sidewalk, the owners of this building put in an edible landscape – beans, herbs, strawberries, okra, and other vegetables.