I often see sassafras growing along the trails, in the forest breaks, and in old fields. However, it’s the mitten-shaped leaves that stand out to me. If you break off a twig of a sassafras tree and smell it, you get the distinct smell of root beer. My dad used to do this for us every time we took a hike with him. It was a family tradition and …
Low-maintenance Plants for Your Garden
For an easy, enjoyable garden, select low-maintenance plants for your garden.
How to Grow Blue Mistflower – Get Lavender Flowers in the Fall
In late summer, pockets of lavender color begin to appear along the sides of roads, at the edge of streams, in old fields, and in wetlands or other moist-soil areas. These fuzzy lavender-colored flowers belong to the blue mistflower, also known as wild ageratum, a plant native to the central and southeastern U.S. Adding blue mistflower …
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How to Grow and Care for Swamp Sunflower – Helianthus angustifolius
In the middle of summer, the bright yellow, showy flowers of swamp sunflower light up my garden. This perennial's flowers keep blooming into the fall. It’s late October, and I still have bright yellow flowers that add some fall color to my yard. We have a patch in our backyard that stays wet most of the time. The neighbor's yard and our front …
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Plant These Native Shrubs for Vivid Fall Color
Fall is a great time to enjoy the beauty of nature in your garden. Native shrubs offer various foliage colors, colorful berries, textures, and shapes that will add interest and color to your yard all season long. Add a few native shrubs for fall color into your landscape! Witch hazel (Hamamelis virginiana) In late fall and early winter, this …
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How to Grow Oakleaf Hydrangea
Oakleaf hydrangea (Hydrangea quercifolia) is a mounding, perennial, deciduous shrub that can grow to heights of up to 10 feet and nearly as wide (up to 8 feet generally). It produces branches from the base of the shrub, creating a mound-like shape for the plant. It is hardy in zones 5b through 9, but it requires the warm summers to perform …
Coral Honeysuckle Vine: How to Grow This Native Vine for Hummingbirds
The slender, bright red, tubular flowers blooming at the ends of the coral honeysuckle vine (Lonicera sempervirens) will add a bright spot of color to your garden. The interior of the honeysuckle flowers is often yellow, making them stand out even more against the green leaves of this vine. Although the flowers of this vine don't have a strong …
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