Oakleaf hydrangea (Hydrangea quercifolia) is a mounding, perennial, deciduous shrub that can grow to heights of up to 10 feet and nearly as wide (up to 8 feet generally). It produces branches from the base of the shrub, creating a mound-like shape for the plant. It is hardy in zones 5b through 9, but it requires the warm summers to perform …
Solutions for Everyday Garden Problems
Find solutions to some of the everyday problems you have in your garden. From planting in shady areas to preventing pests from eating your plants, we have tips and ideas to help solve your garden problem.
Coral Honeysuckle Vine: How to Grow This Native Vine for Hummingbirds
The slender, bright red, tubular flowers blooming at the ends of the coral honeysuckle vine (Lonicera sempervirens) will add a bright spot of color to your garden. The interior of the honeysuckle flowers is often yellow, making them stand out even more against the green leaves of this vine. Although the flowers of this vine don't have a strong …
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Native Shrubs for Shade Gardens
There are many species of native shrubs that grow in the shade. These native plants need little sunlight and some species can handle deep shade conditions. Add some color and texture to those shady areas in your garden with shade-loving native shrubs that flower in the shade. By adding these native shade shrubs in your landscape, you are …
How to Grow Mother-in-Law’s Tongue Plant from Leaf Cuttings
Dracaena trifasciata (formerly Sansevieria trifasciata) or snake plant is an awesome house plant and can tolerate a wide range of growing conditions, making it perfect for indoor growing. If you want a plant-it-and-forget-about-it houseplant, then this is the one for you. The common names for Dracaena are rather tongue in cheek – …
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Indian Pink – A Beautiful Wildflower for Shade Gardens
One of the prettiest wildflowers you can find in the woods is Indian Pink, Spigelia marilandica. This native plant has bright red tubular flowers with a yellow interior that ends in a 5-pointed star. The rich, red color really stands out making it a great flower for the shady areas of your garden. Where Does Indian Pink Grow? Indian pink is …
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11 Plants for Colorful Shade Gardens
Planting in part to full shade doesn't have to be boring. With these 10 colorful plants that need only part sun, you can add color and flowers to your shade garden. Choose from perennial flowers that grow in shade, shade perennials with brightly colored leaves, annuals that love shade, and ground covers perfect for those lowl ight areas of your …