As soon as the weather starts to warm, we begin to scour our garden for the first sign of flowers. The daffodils and crocuses are usually the first ones to show up, but if you want a carpet of color in early spring, a low-growing phlox is the way to go. Woodland phlox (Phlox divaricata) forms dense clusters of delicate, fragrant blooms that …
Plants for Shade Areas of Your Garden
You can find the perfect plant for a shady garden if you have part-shade or full-shade spots in your garden. Shade-tolerant plants can have flowers, colorful leaves, great patterns, or a combination. Choose between perennial plants and annuals for shade gardens.
Copper Iris (Iris fulva) – A Native Plant for Wetlands and Wildlife
Large, copper or brick-red colored flowers adorn the flower spikes of the copper iris (Iris fulva). Native to wetland areas, this unique plant thrives in wetter soils, making it an excellent addition to gardens with moist conditions. We planted this iris in our backyard in a spot with wet, clay soils. It has flourished, spreading and producing …
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How to Grow Blue Mistflower – Get Lavender Flowers in the Fall
In late summer, pockets of lavender color begin to appear along the sides of roads, at the edge of streams, in old fields, and in wetlands or other moist-soil areas. These fuzzy lavender-colored flowers belong to the blue mistflower, also known as wild ageratum, a plant native to the central and southeastern U.S. Adding blue mistflower …
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How to Grow and Care for Swamp Sunflower – Helianthus angustifolius
In the middle of summer, the bright yellow, showy flowers of swamp sunflower light up my garden. This perennial's flowers keep blooming into the fall. It’s late October, and I still have bright yellow flowers that add some fall color to my yard. We have a patch in our backyard that stays wet most of the time. The neighbor's yard and our front …
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Plant These Native Shrubs for Vivid Fall Color
Fall is a great time to enjoy the beauty of nature in your garden. Native shrubs offer various foliage colors, colorful berries, textures, and shapes that will add interest and color to your yard all season long. Add a few native shrubs for fall color into your landscape! Witch hazel (Hamamelis virginiana) In late fall and early winter, this …
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Cardinal Flower Grows In Wet Soils & Attracts Hummingbirds
Cardinal flower (Lobelia cardinalis) is a perennial native plant that blooms from mid-summer to fall. The flowers on the bottom of its tall stalk bloom first, gradually opening to the top of the stem. It is also known as red cardinal plant or red cardinal flower. Colorful Plant for Moist Soils - How to Grow Cardinal Flower This native plant …
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