Rudbeckia maxima, otherwise known as the giant coneflower, is in the Asteracea family. The flower resembles a brown-eyed Susan, but the petals hang down, and the center is much taller. This plant can grow up to 7 feet tall. Planted in a large group, it makes a nice visual impact. Other common names for this wildflower include cabbage …
Gardening with Native Plants
Native plants are well-suited to the growing conditions in your area and are often great nesting habitat, a food source, or a host plant for the wildlife around you. By adding native plants to your garden, you can create wildlife habitat that helps pollinators like bees and butterflies, attracts hummingbirds and songbirds, and provides cover for many small mammals. Learn about native plants and how to grow them in your garden.
How To Identify Poison Ivy
Every gardener will encounter poison ivy at some point. It’s an important plant to be able to identify – even when it doesn’t have leaves. All parts of the plant are poisonous. While some people may not have a reaction to this plant, many will get an itchy, painful rash. The substance (uroshiol) that causes the rash or blisters can be …
Philadelphia Fleabane – Erigeron philadelphicus
Philadelphia fleabane is a native wildflower in the sunflower family (Asteracea); it looks like a small feathery daisy or aster. Many may consider this flowering plant to be a weed, but it struck me as a nice addition to my yard. Although it’s not where I would like it to be at the moment, I will dig it up and transplant it. I have noted that …
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