I'm not cheap, I'm frugal. When it comes to my garden, that means I often repurpose plants from one planting or flower bed into another one. There's nothing wrong with that, right? In this case, I repurposed a croton from a container garden that had long outgrown its original pot and mixed it in with some heliconias that I purchased on sale with …
Garden Plant Information
Information about how to grow, where to plant, how to propagate, soil and sun requirements, and more for garden plants and flowers. Discover new plants for your garden or learn more about plants already in your garden.
Five Trees with Amazing Fall Leaf Color in the Southeast
Many of our Southeastern forests are dominated by oaks and pines, which don't have much color in the fall. You can get amazing red, yellow and orange colors by planting these 5 trees that grow well in the Southeastern U.S. 1. Japanese maple (Acer palmatum) With so many cultivars to choose from, you'll be able to find the right size, …
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Use Fairy Lights in a Container Garden
This year I planted Mandevilla in the spring/summer container gardens I planted for my mom. I just replaced those summer plants with fall mums, pansies, decorative cabbage, and snapdragons for the fall. Since the Mandevilla vine isn’t dead yet, I left it and the small trellises in the pots. After all, the fall weather sometimes surprises us with …
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How to Quick Dry Herbs in an Oven
I shook the last flakes from my oregano jar into my spaghetti sauce last night. I started to add it to my grocery list and I had one of those 'aha' moments. I’ve got a bunch of oregano growing outside this summer. Why not dry some to refill my spice jar? I’ve never bothered to dry anything from my herb garden. It seems a little silly that I’ve …
How to Grow Mums For Fall Color
It's nearly the fall season and that means mums (better known as chrysanthemums) will be available for your fall decor very soon. I used to avoid planting mums. I thought they were boring and too ubiquitous in fall. However, I have discovered a couple of mums with a unique appearance and some new colors and now I appreciate the simple mum. …
Fog Fruit – Mississippi Wildflower
I took this photo on a hot, steamy late August day on the banks of the Mississippi River near Vicksburg, Mississippi. The name of this plant just makes me smile. Fog fruit - I can just picture the fog rolling in from the river and resting around this little plant. Plant Names The scientific name of this plant is Phyla lanceolata. Common names …