The folks at Dorman Hall have been working hard to create a beautiful teaching garden in a small space. I visited there this October and found a variety of garden types and some really cool plants. The gardens around Dorman Hall were established in 2008. A daylily garden, fern garden, butterfly garden, and vine garden were added in 2011.
Cacti and Succulents
In the part of the garden that received the most sunlight and probably the least water, they had put out stones and planted cacti, succulents, and agave.

Many of the vines were natives which attract hummingbirds and butterflies as well as are host plants for butterflies.

Butterfly garden
The flowers attracted a variety of insects and added bright color to the surrounding buildings and parking lot.

This hill was covered with pink muhly grass – making it very beautiful when the wind blew. The roots of the grass help to retain the soil.

The garden encompassed both shady areas and sunny spots which were filled with a variety of shrubs.

Check out this cool cast iron plant. I’ve never seen a variegated one.

Now this planting wasn’t in the Dorman Hall garden area, but I had to share it. Check out the crazy tall tropicals.