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Woodland Phlox (Phlox divaricata)
As soon as the weather starts to warm, we begin to scour our garden for the first sign of flowers. The daffodils and crocuses are usually the first ones to show up, but if you want a carpet of color […]

Windflower or Carolina Anemone
The windflower, also known as Carolina anemone or prairie anemone, produces small white flowers and can be found in fields, lawns, and open areas. It’s scientific name is Anemone caroliniana and it is in the buttercup family (Ranunculacea). This wildflower blooms as […]

Virginia Spring Beauty – Claytonia virginica
When I reach my limit with the bleakness of winter and cold temperatures, the tiniest pink striped flowers start to poke their heads out of lawns and ditches. To me, the Virginia spring beauty (Claytonia virginica) is a harbinger of […]

Turk’s Cap – Malvaviscus arboreus
This native plant has the coolest little red flowers that hummingbirds love. And they bloom in fall! Turk’s Cap (Malvaviscus arboreus) is native to the southern United States. It’s hardy in USDA zones 7 through 11. It grows in both […]

This amazing native plant actually moves when you touch it
If you haven’t been introduced to this tiny plant with fuzzy little pink flowers, you are missing out. It might not be much to look at, but sensitive briar does something pretty amazing. It moves. By itself. No, really. Sensitive […]

The Rarely Seen Cast Iron Plant Flower
As I was working to remove some hellebores, ferns, hydrangeas, and cast iron plants from my shade garden, I made an interesting discovery at the base of the cast iron plants, hidden under the leaves – a cluster of cast […]

The Native Sassafras Tree
I often see sassafras growing along the trails, in the forest breaks, and in old fields. However, it’s the mitten-shaped leaves that stand out to me. If you break off a twig of a sassafras tree and smell it, you […]

The Flower That Thinks It’s a Balloon
Right when the balloon flower, Platycodon grandiflorus, is about to bloom, it does its best impression of a balloon. It’s so good at it, I have to work really hard to keep myself from trying to squeeze it and make […]

Swamp Mallow (Hibiscus coccineus): Hardy Native for Wet Soils
Have you got swampy soil? Then this is the perfect flowering plant solution for your garden. Native to the marshes and swamps of the southeastern states – from Louisiana to North Carolina –swamp mallows (Hibiscus coccineus) prefer wet soil and […]

Stokes Aster – Native Plant With Beautiful Blue Flowers
A few years ago, I acquired a new plant that has quickly become one of my favorites – Stokes Aster (Stokesia laevis). These stunning purple-blue flowers simply captured my heart. I really like incorporating native plants and flowers into my […]

Spotted Jewelweed: Touch-me-not plant
If you’ve got soil that stays wet most of the time, then spotted jewelweed is the plant for you. It’s native to most of the lower 48 states and prefers shade to part-shade – even better! In its native habitat, […]

Southern Magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora)
You’ll see beautiful, tall southern magnolias anywhere you go in my state. They are nearly ubiquitous in front of antebellum homes in the South, which is a testament to their popularity during that time in our history. I love the […]