If you’ve got shade but still want color, here is an example of how to add color to your shade gardens in containers.
Read this earlier post for suggestions of plants with colorful leaves or flowers that can be used in shade gardens.
Container 1: Coleus, ferns, heuchera, and impatiens
This pot contains coleus, heuchera, ferns, and impatiens. Here are some photos of the individual plants.
Red and green coleus. Coleus come in many colors and are easy to propagate from cuttings.

Heucheras also come in many colors, so you can mix and match with your companion plants.

Lime color heuchera and pink impatiens

Most tall ferns will look nice in containers. This one starts out reddish and then the leaves turn green as it gets older. The leaves are particularly stuff, so they won’t be damaged by high winds or rain.