This native plant has the coolest little red flowers that hummingbirds love. And they bloom in fall! Turk's Cap (Malvaviscus arboreus) is native to the southern United States. It's hardy in USDA zones 7 through 11. It grows in both sun and part-shade, but plant it in more sun for the best flowers. It is a perennial, deciduous, shrub-like …
How to Grow Zinnias
Zinnias are annual plants in the Asteraceae family that offer various heights, colors, and types of flowers. Zinnias are very easy to grow and require little maintenance but offer bright, showy flowers. They attract butterflies and make excellent cut flowers. They are also deer resistant Plant heights range from 6 inches to several feet …
How to Grow Butterfly Weed – Asclepias tuberosa
Butterfly weed grows throughout most of the United States and parts of Canada. It attracts butterflies, bees, and other pollinators and is especially beneficial for monarchs whose larvae feed on the plant's leaves. It also provides a nice splash of bright orange color for your garden. This native plant is drought tolerant and deer resistant. …
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Hershey Gardens
Located in Hershey, Pennsylvania, Hershey Gardens has 23 acres of gardens including a rose garden, herb garden, ornamental grasses, Japanese garden and more. My favorite, of course, was the butterfly house and perennial garden. Garden Art Sprinkled throughout the walkways were wind chimes and other garden art that added to the experience. I took …
Giant Coneflower – Rudbeckia maxima
Rudbeckia maxima, otherwise known as the giant coneflower, is in the Asteracea family. The flower resembles a brown-eyed Susan, but the petals hang down, and the center is much taller. This plant can grow up to 7 feet tall. Planted in a large group, it makes a nice visual impact. Other common names for this wildflower include cabbage …
Landscaping with Texture and Color: University of Mississippi
I recently had the opportunity to visit the campus of the University of Mississippi. I was pleasantly surprised by the less-formal landscaping used on the campus. The interplay of different textures and colors created nice vignettes throughout the landscape. I took lots of photos while visiting and I think you might enjoy getting some ideas from …
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