It's early April, but I've already started mowing the grass. The backyard just got a little too unruly, and I have already gotten my first tick of the season. This is always a sign that it's time to mow. I try never to walk through grass higher than my ankle for that reason. Now, I try to keep the front yard nice and well maintained, so the …
species profile
Virginia Spring Beauty – Claytonia virginica
When I reach my limit with the bleakness of winter and cold temperatures, the tiniest pink striped flowers start to poke their heads out of lawns and ditches. To me, the Virginia spring beauty (Claytonia virginica) is a harbinger of spring and warmer weather. These wildflowers bloom just before the false garlic – so they fill up the lawns and …
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Fall Asters: Purple Blooms for Bees, Butterflies, & Beauty
Fall in the southeast still tends toward the warmer temps, which means that bees and butterflies are still hanging around. The scorching heat and sun of the late summer has often killed off many of the most prolific flowering plants, meaning there are less flowers for the pollinators to feed on. Adding a few fall-flowering plants can provide a …
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How to Grow Mums For Fall Color
It's nearly the fall season and that means mums (better known as chrysanthemums) will be available for your fall decor very soon. I used to avoid planting mums. I thought they were boring and too ubiquitous in fall. However, I have discovered a couple of mums with a unique appearance and some new colors and now I appreciate the simple mum. …
Mexican Sunflower: How to Grow and Care for Tithonia rotundifolia
I love the multiple, bright orange flowers that this annual plant produces, but it's not just me! Mexican sunflower (Tithonia) is by far the most popular plant for pollinators in my butterfly garden. Mexican Sunflower is a Great Pollinator Plant The hummingbirds, finches, bees, and butterflies constantly fly in and around the flowers of …
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Joe Pye Weed: Native Plant that Attracts Bees & Butterflies
Despite the name, you’ll find this ‘weed’ in more and more gardens. Joe Pye Weed is a good garden staple for attracting pollinators from bees to butterflies. I planted it last fall and this summer the blooms have been prolific and I have seen all sorts of bees, wasps, and flies feeding on the nectar. Joe Pye weed flowers are gorgeous. The stem …
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